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CannAtlantic Cannabis Conference

Understanding that dialogue and education makes for a more informed, and involved, public, the media and the communities it covers must be conscious about cannabis legalization in order to understand the nuance, context and dynamics of issues that affect stakeholders and underrepresented communities within the cannabis space.

Thus, The Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, the first and oldest association of black journalists in the country, is organizing the CannAtlantic Cannabis Conference, an educational opportunity that brings community leaders, policy makers, business owners, media professionals, patients and curious minds from across the Mid-Atlantic Region to discuss the need for more education and media coverage on cannabis legalization and ways we can improve our collective understanding of these ongoing dynamics happening in our region.

Attendees will not only learn about prospective business opportunities and legalization efforts happening in the region, but will cross-pollinate their networks and expand their connection to the region by meeting other regional businesses in the area.

This regional conference comes after our successful Color of Cannabis Conference which premiered in Philadelphia on April 6, 2019. It was the first cannabis conference led by a media nonprofit aimed at educating both media professionals, and community leaders, on cannabis: from its connection to the War on Drugs, to business opportunities and criminal justice reform.